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About Us

FitnessCrop has created an organization that we believe provides complete health information on the Internet. We provide in-depth reference material on reliable information, supportive communities, and health articles that are important to you. We are the source of original and timely health information as well as content from leading content providers.

FitnessCrop's content staff combines award-winning expertise in journalism, content creation, community services, expert commentary, and medical reviews to provide our customers with a variety of ways to find what they're looking for.

And that, we believe, requires dedicated, full-time staff professionals with the latest expertise:

  • Health news for the public
  • Create and maintain a database of the latest medical referrals
  • Medical imagery, graphics, and animation
  • Communities
  • Live web events
  • User experience
  • Interactive tools

Our board-certified physicians and award-winning journalists are fully dedicated to your daily information experience at FitnessCrop. Our content staff includes individuals with advanced degrees in Journalism, Medical Example, Health Communication, Clinical Informatics, Nursing, and Medicine. F.C certifies the qualifications of all medical professionals on site. Including health professionals, specialists, editorial professionals, and specially licensed collaborators. Health professionals, including those who write, review and edit our editorial material, undergo third-party verification.

Most of us at F.C Health have dedicated our entire careers to helping people find health and medical information, support and services - even before the Internet! We are dedicated to providing quality health information and maintaining the integrity of our editorial process.

As serious as we are about trust, we also know that sometimes, health information can and should be attractive, exciting, and entertaining.

We are committed to improving our site. To help you improve your life, help you find your way to coping with health care decisions, and help you feel better about your and your family's health and We will continue to more content, and communities and publish even services.